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About A Girl Blown away

Hi Blogging World!!

I'm Melanie, but you can call me Mel. I love a good glass of wine and if I had one wish I would wish for unlimited sushi for the rest of my life. That's probably all you need to know, but if you feel like reading more I will go on...

I'm from New York but moved out to Chicago, IL for my job (I'm a brand marketer by day). I work really hard and would like to think I am known for my dedication to my job & just commitments in general. I love my job, part of which includes social media. Working in corporate America and managing a branded account has taught me a lot about the potential of social platforms. I've expanded my practices to my own personal "alter ego," A Girl Blown Away.

A Girl Blown Away is about me, moving to Chicago, exploring what the Windy City is all about. I am amazed at the never-ending activities, food, drinks, sports, friends, wind (it literally never ends). There is no where like Chicago, and I think I have a unique perspective moving here and really putting myself out there. I am going to share some ramblings, thought starters, and delicious pictures of food, so if you are okay with that, well then, I hope you get Blown Away.





Mel Graff


IG: @agirlblownaway