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In the Kitchen

Minneapolis, MN. Circa 2013. My first summer with a kitchen. My very own kitchen.


I cooked anything I could think of, with any ingredients I could think of. Avocados, quinoa, chicken, cheese, you name it, I cooked it. I loved researching recipes and adding my own flare. I'd look forward to it all day, rush home, and spend my "me" time in my tiny run down kitchen. It was so soothing, and so accomplishing. In fact, I was so proud, I took pictures. I guess that is where it all started. Except my main audience was my parents, my adoring, proud parents. 


So, blogging world, let's heat up our ovens, boil our water, refrigerate our dough, let's get to work in the kitchen! I am super excited to share my favorite recipes with you. A caveat as you read, explore, and hopefully try some of the tasty creations I am sharing... I am still learning. I am trying new recipes and changing up ingredients, so bare with me. 


As you read about my journeys and try your favorite recipes, PLEASE share your experiences with me. Let me know how the process is, let me know how it tastes! Let me know if you substitute anything, change anything. This is all about working together to make the world a better taste.

Blogged Kitchen