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I have had a passion for fashion since I was a wee little girl. Living in the city of Chicago has taught me a lot about dressing for occasion & working full time has taught me how to dress for the job you want. Clothes are just an integral part of our every day lives, but I'm all about making them a part of your life that you look forward to and that you are proud of. 


For years, I have browsed Pinterest and envied the girl with the awesome hair and the awesome outfit. I've since worked to attain those feelings for myself. The good news: it is absolutely attainable. With a little thought and a bit of effort, we can all get to that place where we feel special enough to re-pin our own outfit. The BETTER news: I've worked to simplify all of my key findings, to make them realistic. See mom, my shopping addiction has finally come to good use!

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