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To Wear or Not to Wear: Jean on Jean


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To Wear or Not to Wear: Jean on Jean

Mel Graff

I've always been told "Do NOT wear black and navy blue!" (Yes, that was one of the morals I grew up with)... But what about blue on blue, or better yet, jean on jean?! *gasps*

That's right folks, jean on jean - or the Canadian Tuxedo - is. a. thing.

I've worn it once or twice, felt the waters, tested the soup, if you will. But now curiosity has gotten the better of me and I have done a deep dive into the blue jean waters...



  • Denim joggers: no
  • Denim leggings: no
  • Men can't wear denim on denim unless they are taking pictures for Pinterest
  • One piece denim outfit: surprisingly, yes (with accessories)
  • Jean on Jean: wear it with additional colors, and you'll be just fine


Men... I am so sorry to deprive you of this potentially wonderful fad, but you cannot wear denim on denim. Yes, Vogue magazine makes it look fabulous and you can picture yourself poppin your denim collar with your fav blue jeans, but the way men's styles work where pants fit a certain way (not as form fitting as women's) and the standard proportions of shirt to pants, there just is no real flattering way to wear such a unique pattern all over your body. You can, however, pop that denim collar if it is not partnered with denim pants. Go for the khakis! There is hope for your denim above the waist.


So denim joggers. If you wear a denim top, it is usually going to be somewhat loose and not super form fitting. Loose denim top with faux denim loose pants often comes off like a giant jean parachute. Separately, go for it. Jog around Central Park in your jeanjoggers if that is what you have to do, but just don't wear a jean top with it. Avoid it at all costs. Dramatic emphasis intended.


Denim leggings don't make sense. Denim: a material. Leggings: a material. They are different materials. Logically, they don't go. Trust me. Moving on...


Alright. Women, love me (or hate me)- you can wear jean on jean. There are a few different ways this can be done, I've tried a few out, observed a few, asked around, and here you go. The moment of truth. The jean reveal...

  • Wear a shoe with minimal patterns. Jean on jean is totally awesome, so you don't want to distract or overwhelm anyone with some whacky shoe.
  • One, life changing word: Two. Two colored denims. Light & dark, washed & solid. Say it over and over again, dream it, live it: two.
  • If I hear my mother say "you better have gotten a discount on those ripped jeans! They're missing half the pants" one more time... But hey, I get to wear those ripped jeans with a denim shirt. Because two types of styles actually work. Whose laughing now, mom?! #winning
  • For those of you who know me personally, I looooove colors. But please take me seriously here when I say, just one pop of color, two pops of color, that's all you need to help out the JonJ. I wore a white cardigan with a jean shirt and jean pants and you know what, even my boyfriend said he liked it. That's right, I got a non-female-jean-on-jean positive comment. Hell yeah.
  • Wear two different fitting jean pieces. I.E. wear a loose denim shirt you can tuck into your lil' blue shorts.
  • Lipstick.
  • Smile. People may make comments. (They're just jealous). So smile because you are excited to wear your awesome doufit (denim outfit).

Jean on Jean. Answered.

But on a very similar note, this is a very interesting topic to me. I would actually love to hear any thoughts you may have, so please share this post with your friends & family and let me know what you think! Research in progress and rebuttals welcome.