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Filtering by Category: Lifestyle

15 Reasons Why You Should Drop Everything & Drink a Glass of Wine

Mel Graff

I have dabbled once or twice in the wino industry. I’ve slapped the bag at college parties (it’s a thing, Google it), I’ve watched Dirty Dancing with a bottle of red wine and my girlfriends, I’ve expanded my education at a winery in Paris, and I’ve just straight up enjoyed wine for the sake of having a glass of it, or two…

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How to wake up on the right side of the bed.

Mel Graff

My initial reaction: "Wow, this sucks. I do NOT want to get up." But I am going to start every day being happy that the day has begun. There are ten things [really a few more, but ten seems like an appealing number on a list] that I do every morning, that I look forward to doing every morning:

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