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15 Reasons Why You Should Drop Everything & Drink a Glass of Wine


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15 Reasons Why You Should Drop Everything & Drink a Glass of Wine

Mel Graff

Around the holiday time, I would pour some apple juice in a wine glass with my cousins and we would pretend to be soooo fancy. I was a real rebel child…

OK not really, but I have always thought wine was so cool. It is in this awesome glass, all the cool older ladies drank it at the suave NYC restaurants, Rachel and Monica would drink it after a long day. When I grew up, I wanted to be just like every other wine drinker I saw. #childhooddreams. Now that I am older, I have dabbled once or twice in the wino industry. I’ve slapped the bag at college parties (it’s a thing, Google it), I’ve watched Dirty Dancing with a bottle of red wine and my girlfriends, I’ve expanded my education at a winery in Paris, and I’ve just straight up enjoyed wine for the sake of having a glass of it, or two…


So yes, I’m a wine advocate. In fact, I have fifteen reasons why you should stop what you are doing and have a glass of wine right now.

15. It reduces the risk of a heart attack. Wine drinkers suffering with high blood pressure are 30% less likely to have a heart attack than non wine drinkers.


14. It is an excuse to meet someone new. I guarantee if you stop what you are doing right now and say out loud, “Do you want to grab a glass of wine with me?” Someone will say yes.


13.It’s an excuse to catch up with a friend. Don’t feel like splitting a bottle with a stranger? Friendly up with an old friend, a glass of wine, and some good stories. In my case, that person is quite often my mother.


12. Wine makes any meal fancier. Pizza? Chicken? Stir fry? Pasta? Alone they may seem like basic meals but add a glass of Pinot and you automatically add 4 stars to your dining experience.


11. It helps you unwind after a long day. First of all, wine is synonymous with relaxation. So just cracking the bottle open and smelling the intoxicating aroma of a good glass of wine will already calm your nerves from a never ending day at the office. Second of all, wine does relax you. Wine typically creates positive thoughts for people, and just having a few sips, sitting and really enjoying that time for yourself, will relax you and restore your mental sanity. (Look how happy I look!!)


10. It’s a classy drink of choice. As much as I love my vodka soda, a glass of wine is less aggressive but still gets the job done.


9. You can be crafty. The bottles are already empty, take advantage of them. (Refer to Pinterest for further details)


8. It’s something that you can continuously learn more about. The world of wine is endless- there are books on the glasses alone. Take some time to learn about wine. It helps your dinner party conversation and puts value to what you are consuming.


7.Wine will help you go to sleep. A glass of red wine shortens the amount of time it takes you to fall asleep. Who needs sheep when you have a good Cab?


6. It’s a good way to be cultural. Take a trip from Spain to Australia (metaphorically). Sip on the coast of California. You may not have moved from your couch, but you have tasted the world. And at a reasonable cost. #cultural.

…You mine as well be looking at the world map in this photo.

5. Wine is a portable beverage. In this day and age, when we want something, we want it now. The brilliant wine architects have developed many ways for you to have wine anytime, anywhere. No excuses.

4. You can always find wine at a Happy Hour.

3. Wine aids in every activity. You can realistically do anything while drinking a glass of wine. Think about it.

2. It expands your pallet. There are so many different years, grapes, pairings. The nodes of flavor and smell in wine expand your pallet and provide new tasting opportunities you would not be exposed to otherwise.

1. It’s a reward that you can give yourself. It’s a tasty treat and all of the above. It’s the candy for adults. Go on, you deserve that glass of wine.