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Watermelon Cucumber (Vodka) Punch


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Watermelon Cucumber (Vodka) Punch

Mel Graff

People don't call me Watermelanie for nothing...


Just kidding. But seriously, everyone loves watermelon. It's the fruit of summer. Kids slurp it as it drips down their arms at the neighborhood BBQ, adults cut it up for their summer night party by the pool. Watermelon is just one of those fruits that brings back fun, summer memories.


Oh how sad, I don't want summer to be gone!!! I don't want it to get chilly. People...


That's right, it is still summer. Let's go for those summer night walks, let's get ice cream just because, let's eat watermelon!!

I am a very emotional person, so I get sad when summer is almost over. That being said, I've also created a delicious recipe to hold onto summer while I can. I've also added some alcohol because, well, I wanted to.

So here you go, the watermelon recipe of the summer. And the best part, it is IN the watermelon.

Watermelon Cucumber Jalapeno (Vodka) Punch



  • 1 Watermelon
  • 1 Cucumber
  • 1 Jalapeno
  • Vodka


Recommended Kitchen Tools:

  • Juicer (if you don't have a juicer, use a blender, a strainer with small little holes, and a big bowl. Put the ingredients through the blender as instructed and then run the blended stuff through the strainer into the bowl to drain the pulp out).
  • 2 Large bowls
  • Sharp, large knife
  • 1 Large scooping spoon
  • Shot glass


  1. Cut the watermelon in half. Scoop out all of the watermelon until there is only the core of the watermelon left. Put all of the scooped out watermelon into one of the large bowls.

  2. Peel the cucumber, cut it vertically and scoop the seeds out. Place one half in the juicer and the other half in the large bowl with the watermelon for storage.
  3. Cut the jalapeno horizontally in half. Cut that half in half. Put 1 half in the juicer with the cucumber and 1 half in the storage bowl.
  4. Juice the cucumber and jalapeno that are in the juicer, and juice about 2 cups of watermelon into the other large bowl.
  5. Mix in 1/2 TBS of sugar and 3 shots of vodka (totally preferential).
  6. Pour into one half of the watermelon (I would recommend pouring over ice OR letting the liquid sit in the fridge for about 15 minutes).
  7. Repeat steps 4 - 6 for the other half of the watermelon, garnish with optional swirly straw and umbrella, enjoy!

Peace, love, eternal summer, and watermelon.