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The Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookie


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The Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookie

Mel Graff

Everyone loves chocolate chip cookies. It's human nature.


Recently, I had a family function where they asked me to make a few desserts. I thought of some fancy little pies and cakes, shared them with the group to get some feedback. We had some that loved fruit, some that loved chocolate. If I aimed to please all with each of my fancy little desserts, I would have been baking for days.


The best thing about chocolate chip cookies is that they do not disappoint. I knew I could make them in tandem with dinner, and still satisfy all of the sweet cravings from the fam. 

Insert: same situation for work, BBQs, etc. Everyone. Loves. Cookies.

I've whipped up a chocolate chip cookie recipe that is pretty easy, and if you have standard baking stuff, you should be able to make these with ingredients you have at home. The best part of these chocolate chip cookies: you can make them gooey OR crunchy. It is all about how to roll them onto the baking sheets & how long you cook them for.



2 cups of all-purpose flour

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

3/4 cup unsalted butter, melted and slightly cooled

1 cup packed brown sugar

1 tablespoon vanilla extract

1 egg

1 egg yolk

2 cups semisweet chocolate chips


  1. Preheat your oven to 325 degrees F. Line cookie sheets with parchment paper.
  2. Mix together: flour, baking soda, and salt. Set that bowl aside
  3. In another bowl, mix together: melted butter, brown sugar, and white sugar. Then beat in the vanilla, egg, and egg yolk. Beat together until it is light and creamy.
  4. Slowly mix in the Step 2 ingredients until all is blended. Let the dough sit for a few minutes so it cools to room temperature (may be warmer from the butter).
  5. Mix in the chocolate chip cookies.
  6. Roll into balls about 1 inch thick. Place on the parchment paper with about an inch and a half in between each ball. 
  7. To make the cookies thicker: make the dough balls more taller than wider.
  8. Bake the cookies, reversing the tray about half way through. (11 - 14 minutes, 11 minutes for super gooey, 14 minutes for more crunchy). You can usually tell when the cookies are done by looking at the edges.
  9. Cool cookies on sheets until you can lift them without breaking. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.

Source: AllRecipes